Q47584 is the latest update on this that I can find for you. There is also a manual Java download page for Adobe currently Version 8 Update 60, August 18, 2015). That is especially useful for Windows LO users using 32-bit LO on a 64-bit Windows (Java version needs to match LO version). If you do not need to use Base and do not want to use any of the Wizards, then you do not need to have Java installed and configured for running Apache OpenOffice (and older versions of OpenOffice.org). You can completely prevent OpenOffice from prompting you about the use of Java by telling OpenOffice not to use a Java runtime environment (JRE). Insanity is downloading Oracle’s update for Mac/Java over and over and getting the same message popping up. I am now on Sierra and hoping that your advice works even though the download on Mac doesn’t mention Sierra and does refer users to Oracle. This is not working for me. I click download and it asks me to save a document, which will. The alternative is to download the Java executable 'mw.jar' to your disk and double-click on it to run MW. When you download 'mw.jar', it is important that you do not rename the jar file-the file name must be exactly 'mw.jar' (all lower case). Installing Java into your browser doesn’t necessarily install Java in Windows itself. How to install Java. Rather than allowing the browser to install Java for you because it says there’s a plug in missing, go to Java.com and download the program there. It should install Java on your system as well as on every browser on your system.
Having trouble installing Adobe Flash Player? Identify your issue and try the corresponding solution.
1. Have you checked if Flash Player is already installed on your computer?
2. Are you being asked to close the browser?
On Safari, the installer closes the browser to proceed with the installation.
Follow these instructions.
3. Have you checked if Flash Player is enabled in your browser?
How To Update Java On Mac
For Firefox on any OS, see Enable Flash Player for Firefox.
For Safari on Mac OS, see Enable Flash Player for Safari.
For Google Chrome, see Enable Flash Player for Chrome.
For Opera, see Enable Flash Player for Opera.
4. Did the installer start installing?
You don’t know where the Flash Player installer has been downloaded.
By default, the files are downloaded and saved to the Downloads folder unless the 'save to' location is changed manually.
After downloading Flash Player, close all browsers.
Locate the Flash Player install file. Unless you have specified otherwise, the file is saved in your Downloads folder.
Double-click the installer file to begin the Flash Player installation.
Choose Window > Downloads or press Option+Command+L. Control-click the downloaded file and choose Show in Finder.
5. Are you unable to resolve the issue?
The rich-media content does not work, and you do not know what the issue is.
Uninstall Flash Player and perform a clean install of Flash Player.
6. Do you have password-related issues?
If you are unable to authenticate successfully, check your user name and password. Use your system credentials, not your Adobe ID.
Enter system user name and password when prompted
Still having problems?
If you are still having trouble installing Adobe Flash Player, try downloading the installer directly from the following sites:
Free Java Download For Mac
Flash Player for Safari and Firefox - NPAPI
Flash Player for Opera and Chromium-based browsers - PPAPI
Also see:
Why Do I Need Java to Use Apache OpenOffice?
Java is required for complete OpenOffice functionality. Java is mainly required for the HSQLDBdatabase engine (used by our database product Base) and to make use of accessibility and assistive technologies.Furthermore some wizards rely on Java technology. See additional topics pertaining to the use of Java in OpenOfficeand Apache OpenOffice in theInstallation FAQ.
So what does this mean exactly? Base (the database component) relies completely on Java technologies to run, but otherprograms (like Writer, Calc and Impress) only need Java for special functionality. If you do not need to use Base and donot want to use any of the Wizards, then you do not need to have Java installed and configured for running ApacheOpenOffice (and older versions of OpenOffice.org). You can completely prevent OpenOffice from prompting you about the useof Java by telling OpenOffice not to use a Java runtime environment (JRE). From the OpenOffice main menu use:'Tools - Options... - Java', and uncheck 'Use a Java runtime environment'. However, we do recommendthat you have a JRE on your system to take full advantage of OpenOffice's features without any issues.
Legacy versions of OpenOffice.org 3.3.0 and older included a JRE packaged with the download. Apache OpenOffice3.4.0 and newer do not!
Java Download Not Working On Mac Os
Which Java Version Do I Need to Use Apache OpenOffice?
You will need to have a JRE version (32-bit or 64-bit) that is compatible with the architecture of the ApacheOpenOffice version you downloaded. If you already have a JRE installed on your system that satisfies this requirement inone of the standard areas for Java installation, OpenOffice should detect this installation and let you choose it for usein OpenOffice via the 'Tools - Options... - Java'. If you have a JRE installed that is not detected,you should be able to add it through this same menu. And, you can install a JRE or configure OpenOffice to use Java at anytime to get missing functionality to work.
Java Download Not Working On Macbook Pro
Important note for Windows users: The Windows version of OpenOffice is 32-bit and therefore it requires a 32-bit JRE. Even when you have a Windows versionwith 64-bit installed. Furthermore you have to install a 32-bit JRE - additionally or instead - when you already have a64-bit JRE installed.
Where Can I Get Java?
The current versions of Apache OpenOffice work reliably with a variety of JREs includingOracle Java, versions 6, 7 and 8 andopenJDK, versions 6, 7 and 8. Feel free to download a JRE from either of these sitesif you feel you need this functionality.
Please report any problems you experience with using Java on OpenOffice through our bug reporting system,Bugzilla, or one of the other support venues listed in theApache OpenOffice Support webpage, either the users list or forums.
Java For Mac Os
For installing Java on Windows machines, one might appreciate:Download Instructions for Windows offline.